On July 13, 2021, the Friends of Moeckel Pond transferred ownership of the new Marston-Finn Conservation Dam over to the Moeckel Pond Village District. The long-term plan for restoring Moeckel Pond was conceived by Friends of Moeckel Pond, The Windham Conservation Commission, and the Windham Endowment for Community Enhancement. Fundraising, construction, and long-term maintenance were the cornerstones of that plan put in place over 12 years ago in order to restore what was created over 200 years ago. A village district constitutes a specialized form of municipal government. It has a limited purpose, is a governmental unit, has the same authority and power of towns with respect to the purposes for which the district is formed. The Moeckel Pond Village District was established in February of 2011 by the 20 homeowners around the pond. This group came together for the purpose of impounding water and by extension, accepting ownership and maintenance responsibilities for the dam. They have been self-taxing for 11 years in preparation for receiving ownership and will now work with the NH Dam Bureau to make sure the dam and spillway function properly and preserve Moeckel Pond for the public for years to come. When you visit Moeckel Pond for a paddle, to bird watch or a winter skate, keep in mind the hundreds of volunteers over 12 years that made this recreational site a reality. With you as a partner, we can protect this environmental treasure for another 200 years.
With a joyful heart, The Friends of Moeckel Pond Board:
Dianna Fallon
Norm Young
Darin Leeman
Carol Pynn
James Murphy
and George Kimball (A beloved board member from the beginning who got to see the water flow over the dam.)